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  • We've had a fantastic time at E3 demoing some of the exciting new champions and features coming to League of Legends this year. Since we know a lot of you couldn't make it to the show, we put together this video to share everything we showed behind closed doors with you. Check out our special feature on E3.
  • New replay request ! im going to make.. Dota 2 top 10 by w200me ! Soon trailer ! Want to send me a replay ? Now it's rlly easy ! After the game where You did something special go to watch section, write there Your nick (You dont even need to write Your hero name) and check date, click search - Done ! Your latest replay is 1st on list.. Second way to find Your replay ! just enter to Your Dota 2 profile and check Your games :) Now let's find it ! go on Your pc: \steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\replays (FILE WITH YOUR MATCH NUMBER) Want to watch Your replay ? Open console "~" on Your Dota 2 and write "playdemo 2442132.dem" If it fail try to copy Your replay file from replays to dota folder. All done ? Now just mail me ! w200me@gmail.com If the file is too big, upload it somewhere (www.speedyshare.com) and than send me. Question's ? mail me or pm here on tube. Ofc You can also send me info like "I played pugna yesterday and blabla rampage at 13 min" but than I can't guarantee that I will find it.
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  • League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths, with expert strategy and tactics provided by Riot Games.
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