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  • 擁有雙手武器的野蠻人是亞瑞特山的堅強守衛,掌握了強大技能和移動能力的野蠻人披盔戴甲、重裝上陣,用手中狂暴的武器摧毀膽敢侵犯聖休亞瑞世界的邪惡勢力。野蠻人的計量球­叫做狂怒,大致上跟魔獸世界中戰士的怒氣系統是類似的,一樣會隨著造成傷害或受到傷害而提升,不過若是沒有繼續累積的話,技量球則是會歸零,不過在《暗黑破壞神3》中為了­讓狂怒源源不絕產生,會給野蠻人基本可以產生狂怒的技能,讓野蠻人的基礎技能攻擊是不需要消耗狂怒就可以使用,而且還能產生狂怒。
  • 和「inFAMOUS」一起作為超能力動作遊戲代表作的「Prototype」《原型兵器2》公佈了它的發佈日期。負責出版「Prototype2」的Activision在7月20日發佈了「Prototype2」的發佈日期,并公開了遊戲的新CG和截圖。通過映像可以瞭解,想找殺害家人的前作的主人公alex報仇的james下士的過去。
  • 将英语译成中文(简体) 西蒙和刘易斯谈游戏,本来是好的,但不为众多原因。 Israphel阴影将回到上周五,这是一个很好的的:)
  • Alienware公司:第52区气流降落。 Alienware公司生产的“区52个现场活动和Alienware计算机专门用于高分辨率渲染的3D投影映射和电影背后的驱动力。
  • When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, the Assassin Giovanni Auditore is dispatched to investigate. The answers he uncovers implicate Italy's most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever growing list of victims. Lineage is the prequel to the Assassin's Creed II story, revealing the machinations of 15th century Italy through the actions of Ezio's father, Giovanni. Episode # 1: 1476, Florence. Giovanni Auditore, an assassin, attempts to thwart a conspiracy against one of Lorenzo de Medicis allies. The ensuing inquiry will take him to Milan where he tries to prevent the worst from happening.
  • Patrick Beverley makes his 4th quarter return in this game! There's another unfortunate event in the 4th quarter also. 0:59 Skip the intro 1:09 That doesn't count! Wade blocked him! 1:32 I miss another wide open dunk 1:54 Casey Anthony dunk 3:17 Two offensive rebounds 3:55 I'm cold, but it doesn't matter 4:20 Hesitation move for the foul 5:15 Why didn't I miss this dunk? 5:59 Moving screen 3 6:45 The CPU's most overused play 7:25 And1 3 points the hard way 8:00 LeBron behind the back pass 8:52 Flagrant type foul 9:20 FTs to take the lead 9:58 Awful defensive possession 10:50 Beverley Curse starts! 12:07 Beverley finally gets subbed out 12:30 Very very bad! 13:10 Triple team 13:50 Preventing a fast break 14:40 What rhymes with cash?