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發表於:2012-05-29 09:42:03
播放次數:4073  評論:0
All taunts in order: Ahri: Foxy lady! Akali: I'll show you a real smoke bomb Alistar: Looks like we got ourselves a stray Amumu: Quit cryin an be a man! Anivia: Southern fried goodness Annie: This ain't no place for kids Ashe: Get with the times, princess Blitzcrank: You need to blow off some steam Brand: Ashes to ashes Caitlyn: Look at you n' that little peashooter Cassiopeia: There's a snake under my boot Cho'Gath: Like squashin bugs Corki: Mine's cooler Dr. Mundo: You alright in the head? Evelynn: *whistle* Ezreal: Now you run on home, boy, grownups are talkin' Fiddlesticks: Get your ass back in the fields Fiora: Ooh la la Fizz: Gotcha you slippery little sumbitch Galio: I can kick your ass 24 hours a day Gangplank: Yo ho ho and my boot up your ass Garen: "Demacia! Demacia!" Shut up Gragas: Hit the saloon fatty. Graves: Copycat Hecarim: Just what in blue blazes ARE you? Heimerdinger: You talk too much Irelia: Didn't your daddy ever tell ya not to play with sharp things? Janna: Yer fulla hot air Jarvan: Get off yer high horse Jax: Doesn't matter if you can't hit me Karma: Do I know you? Karthus: Death don't scare me Kassadin: The hell's wrong with yer voice? Katarina: Go cry home to daddy Kayle: Touched by an angel Kennen: Yeah, they DO make coffins that small Kog'Maw: Servin' up a 20 gauge appetizer LeBlanc: Yer all smoke and mirrors Lee Sin: Hey buddy, watch this Leona: Fun in the sun Lulu: Butterflies, flowers, sparkles, yeesh Lux: Go cry home to...oh...right Malphite: You ain't nothin but a skippin' stone Malzahar: Go back to agrabah aladdin. Maokai: I've fought tumbleweeds stronger n' you Master Yi: Wuju get better material Miss Fortune: Yeah I'll take a whiskey on...oh, you DON'T work here? Mordekaiser: Don't you ever get hot in that getup? Morgana: Oh no, looks like I'll just have t' shoot ya from here Nasus: What is it boy? Is Timmy stuck in a well? Nautilus: I'm 20,000 leagues outta yours. Nidalee: I'm goin' huntin' Nocturne: I ain't afraid a th' dark. Nunu: You eat babies! Olaf: I've got somethin better n' an arrow Orianna: You'll make a nice pocketwatch Pantheon: Quit livin' in the past Poppy: Aren't you a little young to be playin' with the big boys? Rammus: Rollin rollin rollin Renekton: I think I'm wearin' your cousin Riven: Lemme introduce you to my friends Smith & Wesson. Rumble: Loveless wants his contraption back Ryze: Nice parlor trick, lightbulb Sejuani: What are you FEEDING that thing? Shaco: Oh look, the circus is in town Shen: Got you right in the eye Shyvana: Too. Many. Reptile. Jokes Singed: You need a REAL drink Sion: Im 'onna put you BACK in the dirt Sivir: Meet the battle master Skarner: Did anyone else hear a crunch? Sona: Free bird! Soraka: I don't even wanna KNOW what your parents looked like Swain: Birdbrain Talon: Don't bring a knife to a gunfight Taric: That boy ain't right Teemo: I ain't against eatin' squirrel Tristana: Put that popgun away Trundle: Damn you're ugly. Tryndamere: Go home and be a family man. Twisted Fate: ... Twitch: I'll get the traps Udyr: This is MY huntin' territory Urgot: I think I'm gonna be sick Varus: I got a 50 caliber reason why I win. Vayne: The rat wants his weapon back Veigar: Do us all a favor and stop talkin' Viktor: Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto Vladimir: Red. Dead. You. Volibear: Things just got grizzly Warwick: Go bark at the moon or something Wukong: Aw look, the monkey thinks he's people Xerath: Sit still for a second, wouldja? Xin Zhao: Shouldn't you be laying rails? Yorick: Ain't got no respect fer th' dead Ziggs: Waste a' good TNT Zilean: Time's up old man.